Oversight Committee 

About the Committee

The Measure U Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is comprised of representatives from education, taxpayer groups, business and industry, senior citizens’ organization and students, and community-at-large, and is charged with ensuring that all bond funds are spent as promised on capital projects set forth in Measure U.

Current members

Jennifer Cota, Chair
Parent/Guardian and PTA Representative

Taxpayer Organization Member

At-Large Community Member

Senior Citizen Group Representative

At-Large Community Member

Parent/Guardian Representative

Business Representative

Meeting agendas & minutes

Upcoming meetings

Past meetings

5:30-7:30 p.m. | Virtual meeting

5:30-7:30 p.m. | Virtual meeting

5:30-7:30 p.m. | District Office, 1400 Linden Ave.

5:30-7:30 p.m. | Summerland School, 135 Valencia Rd. 

5:30-7:30 p.m. | Virtual Meeting

5:30-7:30 p.m. | Summerland Tennis Courts

Addressing the committee

It is the obligation of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to provide an adequate forum within which the views of the public pertaining to any item of the business of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee can be expressed and heard.

Persons wishing to comment on an item appearing on the agenda may speak during the “Comments from the Public” section of the agenda or when the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is considering the item at the discretion of the Committee’s Chair. Prior to being recognized by Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, a speaker must fill out a request to speak.

Persons wishing to speak on items that are not on the agenda may also speak on such issues during the “Comments from the Public” section of the agenda. The Committee, however, does not obligate itself to act upon any request or proposal presented at the time of the hearing of citizens and petitions, however, if appropriate, the item may be added to the agenda of a future meeting.

Rules for public comment

To facilitate the orderly conduct of public meetings and to expedite conducting the necessary business, the following shall govern public speaker presentations at Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee meetings: